Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Prof. Denis Wolf, Associate Professor at Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil, spent a sabbatical year in Sophia Antipolis from July 2016 to August 2017. He worked on semantic learning applied to intelligent vehicles.

  • Prof. Dan Zelazo (Technion) and Prof. Antonio Bicchi (Univ. Pisa) spent a short visit in the group in Rennes in 2017.

  • Giuseppe Sirignano (Univ. Salerno), from October 2017 to March 2018

  • Mario Selvaggio (Univ. Naples), from November 2017 till end of December 2017

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad
  • Jason Chevrie spent a 3-month visit in Sarthak Misra's lab at the Surgical Robotics Laboratory (SRL) of University of Twente (Netherlands) where he performed robotic experiments in the scope of his Ph.D (see Section 7.3.2).

  • François Chaumette was invited for a 1-week visit at Zhejiang University in November 2017.